Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breast Cancer

The genic dissorder I was assigned is breast cancer, a cancer that obviously, mostly affects women. Breast Cancer is thought to be discovered around 1600 BC. Some of the symptoms of breast cancer can be described as lumps and humps on the breast, a change in breast size or shape, skindimpling or nipple inversion. Unfortunately, the treatments for breast cancer are scarse wich only include radiation (ussualy kimo) and surgery. Breast cancer is actually the 2nd most common cancer in america, skin cancer being the most. The female population is affected more by breast cancer than the male population. Cancer becomes a problem very quickly because it mutates rapidly creating tumors and other problems in your body. Before more treatments can be made, we need to understand why cancer happens in the first place, only then can we ever come close to finding a cure.

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