Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh Boy! Owl Pellets, That Sounds Fun Right?

Wrong. Today I got to do what most children would die to do... dissecting Owl Pellets. Oh wowie! Sounds fun right? Nope. However, I did find it pretty interesting. For starters, we were dissecting the dried up vomit for bones! Ahh, education at it's finest! But really though my partner and I found 2 skulls of what we believe is-scratch that, was of a mouse, several femurs, a couple of pelvises, can't forget about the tibulas and fibula's, a bunch of little vertebrae, and of course, the ribs. It's actually pretty astounding what you can find in vomit these days... stomach acid, undigested food, the remains of a nameless corpse. But one thing I didn't expect to hear was that those little Owls had quite the appetite. Some would eat 3 rodents (or Birds) a day. I guess that's the equivalent of our 3 meals a day (Four or Five for me!) I am told by our teacher that once we find enough bones we can reconstruct the skeleton of one of the poor rats. Oh well, I guess I'll have some more vomit scavenging to do.

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