Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hybrids (yuch!)

You know, there was once a time were Hybrids were very new and innovative ideas. They could go further, get great mileage, and best of all, they were great for the environment! Yippie! One problem... THEY COST LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS!!! But seriously, with the rising gas prices then, the new cars were going off the affordable charts for most Americans. So that's great huh? All this new technology to use and nobody can afford it. For crying out loud, the gas prices are like $1.90 a gallon now and these hybrid cars still haven't dropped a cent! I guess that the hybrid cars are just going to turn into dust just like the electric motor that Honda was working on. If companies really wanted to make a better world, they would just lower the prices back to normal so that yes, they would still make a profit but no they wouldn't be unaffordable.

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