Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breast Cancer

The genic dissorder I was assigned is breast cancer, a cancer that obviously, mostly affects women. Breast Cancer is thought to be discovered around 1600 BC. Some of the symptoms of breast cancer can be described as lumps and humps on the breast, a change in breast size or shape, skindimpling or nipple inversion. Unfortunately, the treatments for breast cancer are scarse wich only include radiation (ussualy kimo) and surgery. Breast cancer is actually the 2nd most common cancer in america, skin cancer being the most. The female population is affected more by breast cancer than the male population. Cancer becomes a problem very quickly because it mutates rapidly creating tumors and other problems in your body. Before more treatments can be made, we need to understand why cancer happens in the first place, only then can we ever come close to finding a cure.


A couple of weeks ago (I think), our class did a lab on plasticisty using cornstarch and water. After mixing both substances together, you we created an amorphis solid wich means it's niether a solid or a liquid. Once you scoop a clump of the new substance, it feels cold and if you sqeeze it, it feels like a solid however, if you give it a few moments and let it rest in your hand it will start to melt. sooner or later, it will be dripping off of your hand and you will have a mess to clean up. Yay. Well... although it was fun to play with the corn starch water, I think what our teacher was trying to teach us didn't really get across beside the fact that the substance we made and the mantle both have plasticisty. Oh well, better than book work!

October Sky

Ahhh, yet another day of shortened classes in order to watch a a video in class, nothing better if you ask me. Well the the movie that we watched was called October Sky, based on a book I had never heard of but that ussualy is the case. In October Sky, a small group of five friends become facinated in rocketry after wittnessing the first sattlelight being launched into space. The five friends decide to start making rockets after this event and go on to enter the science fair. After many difficulties, the friends win the local science fair and go on to win the national science fair. All of the five kids get schollerships to attend college for their great deed. Now I am all for more movies like this in school and believe me, I liked this one but... I'll have to agree with comedian on this one, I want magic school bus.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Camo Butterflys

Well, this was actually a very fun game we played. The idea was that we demonstrate how camouflage helps a prey hide from a predator even when in plain sight. However this predator had lots of experience on the field. He knew where to look. He would look everywhere. Places where you would have to strain your eyes to see. Also, places that had butterfly just sticking out which is just blatantly obvious. Though, there were some very clever places where people had placed there butterflies but, I like mine the best. The hide it in a dark place and put a chair in front technique worked well , especially when the chair that I put in front of the butterfly was the very chair I was sitting in. My idea rules.

Oh Boy! Owl Pellets, That Sounds Fun Right?

Wrong. Today I got to do what most children would die to do... dissecting Owl Pellets. Oh wowie! Sounds fun right? Nope. However, I did find it pretty interesting. For starters, we were dissecting the dried up vomit for bones! Ahh, education at it's finest! But really though my partner and I found 2 skulls of what we believe is-scratch that, was of a mouse, several femurs, a couple of pelvises, can't forget about the tibulas and fibula's, a bunch of little vertebrae, and of course, the ribs. It's actually pretty astounding what you can find in vomit these days... stomach acid, undigested food, the remains of a nameless corpse. But one thing I didn't expect to hear was that those little Owls had quite the appetite. Some would eat 3 rodents (or Birds) a day. I guess that's the equivalent of our 3 meals a day (Four or Five for me!) I am told by our teacher that once we find enough bones we can reconstruct the skeleton of one of the poor rats. Oh well, I guess I'll have some more vomit scavenging to do.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hybrids (yuch!)

You know, there was once a time were Hybrids were very new and innovative ideas. They could go further, get great mileage, and best of all, they were great for the environment! Yippie! One problem... THEY COST LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS!!! But seriously, with the rising gas prices then, the new cars were going off the affordable charts for most Americans. So that's great huh? All this new technology to use and nobody can afford it. For crying out loud, the gas prices are like $1.90 a gallon now and these hybrid cars still haven't dropped a cent! I guess that the hybrid cars are just going to turn into dust just like the electric motor that Honda was working on. If companies really wanted to make a better world, they would just lower the prices back to normal so that yes, they would still make a profit but no they wouldn't be unaffordable.